On 10-Dec-2008, at 22:18, SM wrote:
At 20:39 10-12-2008, LuKreme wrote:
And the source of that number is, evidently, a complete mystery.
That's my point.  I've seen lots of instructions like this:

# wget http://somesite.tld/somepath/GPG.KEY
# sudo sa-update --import GPG.KEY
# sudo sa-update --gpgkey 0E28B3DC --channel uber.rule.somesite.tld

where the '0E28B3DC' has just magically appeared as if created from
the ether.

Once you have imported the key, you can use gpg --list-keys to find the key ID.

AHA! That's the crucial step I was missing and no one seemed able to provide. Thank You! There's progress at least:

I ssh to the server and then I sudo su (so I am sure I have discarded my own login environment, I do not normally do this)

mail# gpg --list-keys /etc/mail/spamassassin/sa-update-keys/pubring.gpg
gpg: error reading key: No public key

At least on my FreeBSD, there's no man page for gpg, and the --help doesn't point out anything obvious. if I run it without specifying a file, I get this:

mail# gpg -k
pub   1024D/11F63C51 2002-02-28
uid                  Jamie Cameron <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
sub   1024g/1B24BE83 2002-02-28

By adding the key to the keychain, you are trusting it. The security part is that you can verify whether the signer generated the updates. Even if the host is compromised, you are "safe" as long as the private key is secure and the signer still has your trust.

Riiight, but the public key I put in the keychain does all that, no? I'm still unclear on how the --gpgkey makes it more secure. If the file is signed, the signature is checked against the public key that I have in pubring.gpg. What does the gpgkey do?

I want a party where all the women wear new dresses and all the men
        drink beer. -- Jason Gaes

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