Ned Slider wrote:

Yes, additional DNSBLs such as psbl and uceprotect can be integrated into SA

Well, isn't it better to use them before SA, provided your MTA does have
this feature (I recommend Exim to everyone)?

Also look at setting up Bayes and train it well. A well trained Bayes setup can hit 99% plus spam (for me) and can be highly effective.

Except I found that while it often gets positive identification right,
it sometimes produces false negatives (BAYES_00 negative scoring gets
fired on what it should classify as spam -- I reduced BAYES_00 scoring
for that reason).

My most effective rule classes are Bayes, DNSBLs and URIBLs plus my own custom rules for stuff SA routinely misses.

Add on 3rd party rules like JM_SOUGHT and SARE can be useful too so maybe look at those as well.

That probably is stuff to look at, thanks!


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