Yes, no swap because it runs under a flash card.

On Tuesday 16 December 2008 08:18:50 John Hardin wrote:
> On Tue, 2008-12-16 at 10:21 +0200, Henrik K wrote:
> > On Mon, Dec 15, 2008 at 03:58:40PM -0800, John Hardin wrote:
> > > You should be able to run base SA, a bayes database (you'll probably
> > > want to avoid autolearning) and *some* custom rules. You might not be
> > > able to use the larger custom rules like the Sought sets - try them and
> > > see.
> >
> > Having some custom rules makes little difference. SA base code is huge.
> > Sought is small, we are talking about one or two MBs. This advice comes
> > from the age of *large* rules like
> True. I am running both Sought rulesets myself. Sorry, I wrote that bit
> too quickly, and had in the back of my mind.
> > Bayes has little effect on memory. If you use it as flat BerkeleyDB file,
> > only thing it might "take" is OS disk cache. And if it's on flash, access
> > should be very fast. I don't see anything preventing autolearning.
> We don't have any information on available disk, so I was assuming it
> was limited.
> > I've run full SA, ClamAV, MySQL, named, websites etc on 256MB. You do
> > need swap for it. If you have a filesystem, then you can create a swap
> > file on it.
> "no swap" was specified, which also suggests limited disk.
> > Of course you cannot expect it to perform miracles. You can have one or
> > two concurrent scans at maximum.
> And I forgot to mention that as well; when I was running with 192MB I
> had SA limited to one concurrent scan. It worked, just rather slowly.
> Fortunately my email volume is fairly low.

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