Frank DeChellis a écrit :
> Hi there,
> We use SA 3.2.1 on FreeBSD 6.1.  We have Bayes and Razor in use.
> Lately, 3 weeks or so, we’ve been getting HUGE negative scores on our
> spam.  And it’s coming in by the truck load.  We use Sa-Update to update
> our rules from and
> Has anybody else experience this?  Is there a config setting that I
> messed up that allowed this to come through?

do not whitelist your domain. if you really need, use
whitelist_from_rcvd or the like.

> Thanks
> Frank
> P.S.  Are there other channels that people suggest adding to sa-update?

JM Sought channel is highly recommended:
        Key: 6C6191E3
        Key URL:

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