"JVlad" <d...@yandex.ru> wrote:

> Spamassassin 3.2 works very good for me. Now I want to write a plugin
> in Perl that will be executed by spamassassin after each email is
> processed. This script would have to know <sender address>, <sender
> ip>, and <score assigned by SA>. Is it possible?

Have you considered making your perl script "call" spamassassin?

SpamAssassin is a set of perl modules that can be used by your perl

<sender address> - use SpamAssassin to extract From: or ReturnPath: header
<score assigned by SA> - you can get it easily
<sender ip> - this is piece I am would have to dig a little
              [ my spamassassin experience is limited ]

[pl>en: Andrew] Andrzej Adam Filip : a...@onet.eu : a...@xl.wp.pl
Luke, I'm yer father, eh.  Come over to the dark side, you hoser.
  -- Dave Thomas, "Strange Brew"

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