On Wed, 7 Jan 2009, Anthony Peacock wrote:

LuKreme wrote:
On 6-Jan-2009, at 08:51, Greg Troxel wrote:
I realize that HABEAS_ACCREDITED_SOI has or had a reasonable ruleqa
value.  But, I wonder if SA should apply higher standards than that, and
not give negative scores to databases that don't behave reasonably.

This has been brought up on the list in the past (there was a long thread on it last February). The best suggestion I saw in that thread was


was something quite different from what it had been under her stewardship.

I zeroed the scores for all of these rules about a year ago. They were only hitting on SPAM emails and pushing them into the FN range.

  I second that - habeas stopped being useful a long time ago (IMO of
  course :).  Just zero them out.

Happy cheese in fear                 | Jon Trulson
against oppressor, rebel!            | mailto:j...@radscan.com
Brocolli, hostage.       -Unknown    | 4E2A 697F 66D6 7918 B684
                                     | FEB6 4E98 16C1 25F8 A291

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