I'm having a problem whereby Spamassassin is sometimes being killed by
SIGPIPE before it's written-out the email to stdout, and then
returns a zero exit-code. 

Whilst I'd be keen to eliminate the SIGPIPE problem, the more important
problem is the return of the zero exit-code, because it turns delayed
mail into lost mail. Getmail treats it as success, delivers an empty
email with just it's own headers, and deletes the original off the
server. If I hack Spamassassin's default signal handler to return 1
then everything works correctly, the delivery is aborted, the email
gets left on the pop/imap server, and gets delivered on the next check.

Arguably, it might be pragmatic for the handler to return 0 (not spam)
if the "-e" option is used, but if it isn't then it should return a
non-zero error code.

I'm using  SpamAssassin 3.2.5 on FreeBSD 7.1, and using the
spamassassin script directly with no command-line options (i.e. without
the -e option)

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