On 28.01.09 22:36, RW wrote:
> I just pass it though dspam and then score like this:
> header   DS_HAM       X-DSPAM-Result =~ /^(Innocent|Whitelisted)/
> header   DS_SPAM      X-DSPAM-Result =~ /^Spam/
> meta     DS_HAM_FULL  DS_HAM && (BAYES_00 || BAYES_05)
> score    DS_HAM        -2.5
> score    DS_SPAM       21.0
> score    DS_HAM_FULL  -15.0

don't you trust dspam too much?

> score    BAYES_00     -2.5
> score    BAYES_05     -1.5

Why do you do this?
1. you are assigning scores for BAYES even if BAYES is turned off
2. BAYES_00 has score -2.599 when network rules are on, you are lowering
effectiveness - if you want this, you shouldn't assign -1.5 for BAYES_05

> However, thinking about it a bit more, I think that the only real
> problem is that ham that scores between 0.1 and 5.0
> wont be learned as ham, and I can fix that by moving the autolearn
> threshold to up to 4.9.

So you are willing to feed _anything_ to BAYES filters, which means that
without manual intervention, FP and FN rate will both quickly increase
Matus UHLAR - fantomas, uh...@fantomas.sk ; http://www.fantomas.sk/
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