On 28-Jan-2009, at 05:33, Rops wrote:
I'm an end user trying to figure out, why too many messages arrive
erratically stamped as spam.
Please could anyone explain, why the normally looking ordinary daily
business mail was classified as Spam?

Sure. Your system has a OCR scan of images (Optical Character Recognition) and that test decided that this message was spam. That test, all by itself. This is generally considered to be a Bad Idea™.


Yep, that's the one.

But it looks very much that Spam assassin does more harm then helps people. As there seldom any spam is catched but instead mostly I see normal messages
alerted as spam.

Nooo... the admin of the mail server screwed something up. Either that or what YOU consider spam and what the admin considers spam are two very different things. This has NOTHING to do with SpamAssassin.

I'm an end user and don't have any acces to filter settings and there is
noone else reachable to ask why things are wrong like this,

Then you need a better email service. Fortunately, there are many many choices out there for email.

Do not meddle in the affairs of wizards for they are subtle and
        quick to anger.

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