On Tue, 27 Jan 2009 21:51:13 +0000, Nigel Frankcom
<ni...@blue-canoe.com> wrote:

>Hi All,
>Is there are central point for links or dissemination of 'best
>practice' rules?
>I freely admit this is my 1st port of call.
>I'm wondering if there is a simple (i.e works for a muppet like me)
>page that lists details of how to synch non sa-update rules. The
>question is based on the sad and slow demise of the ninjas.
>If no such central repository exists I'd be interested in setting up
>one; hopefully with some info for new users.
>Kind regards

Many thanks to all for your replies. Also to those that have taken the
time and trouble to set up channels.

Kind regards


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