> I am new to postfix/SpamAssassin and thinking for a way to block the
> email address which does not come from that domain. For example, if
> someone with a @xxx.com email sends to a list it must come from a server
> in the xxx.com domain else it should be rejected.  Is it possible to do
Check 'spf' and dkim signing.

Lots of legitimate traffic from 'domain.com' comes from 'thirdparty.com'.

Spamassassin doesn't verify, validate senders, it just scores spam.

Lots of rules looking for forgeries, can check dkim signatures, SPF records,

(yes, I know, SPF is brokenĀ) and spammers can sign their spam with dkim,
and spammers can run their own domains and put in valid spf records.

Michael Scheidell, CTO
>|SECNAP Network Security
Finalist 2009 Network Products Guide Hot Companies
FreeBSD SpamAssassin Ports maintainer


This email has been scanned and certified safe by SpammerTrap(r).
For Information please see http://www.secnap.com/products/spammertrap/

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