Daniel Berry a écrit :
> Hi,
> I have been looking at installing spam assassin on a small network I
> have setup at home. The machine that I am setting up spam assassin on
> does not have internet access. So the question is how can I setup spam
> assassin or more precisely how do I setup sa-update to link to a file I
> have downloaded via another machine ? If I can download the latest
> update from your updates.spamassassin.org via another machine store it
> on a locally shared folder and then point SA to that directory that
> would be ideal. Is this possible ??
> The plan is to automate this at some stage but I was looking on your
> wiki and I wasnt sure if what I am aiming for is possible or will be
> possible in upcoming releases ?

find out where sa-update rules should go
(/var/[lib|db)/spamassassin/$version/....) and use
rsync/scp/ftp/http/... between the two boxes.

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