>> 0.000          0     206774          0  non-token data: nspam
>> 0.000          0    1515235          0  non-token data: nham

> John Hardin wrote:

>I got the impression that the goal was to have a ratio that roughly 
reflected the spam:ham ratio of your raw mail stream. If Jim gets 17
more ham than spam, the above would be reasonable.

These two figures used to be closer together (with nspam being a much
number), but we made a couple of changes last fall. First, I wiped the
clean and re-trained it from scratch with 200 spam and 200 ham. Then we
added spamhaus checks, which drop (at smtp time) messages before they
even get to SpamAssassin. It looks like about 75% of all incoming mail
now being dropped, and what does get through is usually good, thus the
ratio. At least I hope that is what is going on! Thanks John.

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