On Sat, 2009-02-28 at 21:02 +0000, Ray wrote:
> Karsten Bräckelmann <guenther <at> rudersport.de> writes:
> > On Thu, 2009-02-26 at 16:12 +0000, Ray wrote:
> > > Is there a feature like PostFix's `postconf` to display the currently 
> > > parsed 
> > > and calculated config?
> >
> > That pretty much equals your local.cf, no?
> No, the currently effective config is not equal to my local.cf (even for
> postconf -n equivalency) because, as you say, users can change their 
> user_prefs.
Bystander's and sometime sysadmin's comment:

I can see a use for a 'postconf -n' equivalent in larger installations
which permit users to change their own prefs. This hypothetical tool
would be run in the user's login environment to report his SA
environment, i.e. the parameters and local rules in force after
configuration changes set by files in /etc/mail/spamassassin have been
overrridden by the content of files in the user's .spamassassin

Asking a user to run the tool and mail its output to the mail admin may
often be faster and more accurate than visiting said user or phoning him
to get this information. The support time saved may well make writing
the tool worthwhile.


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