Andrzej Adam Filip wrote:
> At "RCPT TO:" stage there are available:
> * connecting client IP address (last mail hop)
>   so big part of DNSBL and DNSWL tests *CAN* be used
> * envelope sender for SPF based tests
> * envelope sender and envelope recipient for auto white/black listing
>   (producing some kind of grey-listing based for first attempt from
>   unknown reputation source)

Are you thinking that it might be good to tie this in to the
SpamAssassin AWL score? So a sender with an existing low AWL might be
allowed through even if the sending host gets on one or two DNSBLs?

And you’re missing the possibility of doing reverse DNS lookups, too.


E-mail:     james@ | A: Because people don’t normally read bottom to top. | Q: Why is top-posting such a bad thing?
                   | A: Top-posting.
                   | Q: What is the most annoying thing in e-mail and usenet?

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