On 19-Mar-2009, at 17:15, mouss wrote:
LuKreme a écrit :
On 18-Mar-2009, at 21:34, Jorge Cardona wrote:
¿Qué tiene que ver Software Libre con educación?

Esta lista es solamente ingles.

it has nothing to do with "esta" nor "lista". That was spam. check the
list of recipients. just because it's talking about "libre" doesn't make
it nice.

My Spanish is (obviously) dreadful. I _suspected_ it might be spam, but the wording was obtuse enough I wasn't sure. Figured a one line reply wouldn't hurt on the off chance... OTOH, I MEANT to send it to the poster, not the list. Mea culpa.

I hear hurricanes a-blowing, I know the end is coming
        soon. I fear rivers over-flowing. I hear the voice
        of rage and ruin.

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