Randy J. Ray wrote: > filtering on other content, filtering that isn't the same as spam-testing. In > a > nutshell, we currently use the "bogofilter" application to classify messages, > and invoke it with different word-list files to represent different filtering > requirements. But this isn't going to scale well for us as written, and I'm > the
If you use sendmail, then consider doing everything from within mimedefang. You can filter and molest messages as much as you'd like, with simple perl code. It'd be a very "general" solution, as you require. Here, from within mimedefang, every message that reaches DATA phase goes through clamav, bogofilter (single word list), and then SpamAssassin if bogofilter didn't give a certain enough score. Plus there's a bunch of other weird custom filtering going on. :) I don't know how high you need to scale things, but the above works fine on a smallish to medium scale (~200k messages a day). Adding more BF wordlists probably wouldn't be a problem, given enough memory.