On Thu, 30 Apr 2009, LuKreme wrote:
On 30-Apr-2009, at 09:03, John Wilcock wrote:
mimeheader DSL4DIG_PNG Content-Type =~ /name\=\"DSL[0-9]{4}\.png\"/
I'd be very careful with that rule (or any related). This file name
pattern is a quite standard pattern for pictures from digital cameras.
I was going to say the same thing, but I'm not aware of any digital camera
that saves to .PNG by default. It's not well suited to continuous-tone
images. If the rule was for DSC\d+\.jpg then there would be big red flags
waving around...
John Hardin KA7OHZ http://www.impsec.org/~jhardin/
jhar...@impsec.org FALaholic #11174 pgpk -a jhar...@impsec.org
key: 0xB8732E79 -- 2D8C 34F4 6411 F507 136C AF76 D822 E6E6 B873 2E79
When I say "I don't want the government to do X", do not
automatically assume that means I don't want X to happen.
8 days until the 64th anniversary of VE day