On 04.05.09 10:31, Charles Gregory wrote:
>> OUR mail server *requires* that a user be connected via our dialups.


Matus UHLAR - fantomas wrote:

Configuring the mail account in their MUA independently on their internet
connection is much easier than changing SMTP server every time they connect
to other network.

This really is an important point. Your current system makes things unnecessarily difficult for roadwarriors.

Beeing able to use authenticated SMTP to port 587 at *one* address is much easier than having to set up different outgoing servers for different connections wich can become quite tedious if you tend to use the connections provioded by hotels for example.

FWIW, this was actually the main justification here for setting up authenticated SMTP using a custom SMTP proxy wich authenticated against different (local) POP mailboxes depending on user name and server IP. Our users (me included) understandably wanted mail on laptops to be easier.

The possibility of using SPF and DKIM were just bonuses.


Jonas Eckerman
Fruktträdet & Förbundet Sveriges Dövblinda

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