Ned Slider wrote:

Yes - but I think what he's saying is that you have to start with a list of bank domains, the test those domains with higher scrutiny.

Does such a list exist? One of my users was getting a lot of spam pretending to be from banks. I ended up just compiling a regular expression to match against the from header of the emails:


It's far from comprehensive obviously, but it covers most of what he was receiving.

If that regular expression matches, and the connecting host is in a list of what I refer to as "dodgy countries," then I reject the email.

Yes, that's the type of thing I was thinking of Mike.

I was thinking it might be easier to maintain as a plugin with a separate file listing banking type domains as Henrik has done for freemail, and then query a FROM_BANK type rule.

That would be good yes. If the banks were serious about combating online fraud, you'd expect them to come together and agree on a standard for sending their email, eg they could all use DKIM. They should also publish a combined directory of their own domain names.

Mike Cardwell
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