On 22-May-2009, at 06:14, Arvid Ephraim Picciani wrote:
- greylisting

I do this to great effect, but not for all servers (see below)

- rejecting broken HELO at smtp time  (such as  "MUMS_XP_BOX")

Yep, I reject a lot of messages based on helos

- rejecting dynamic IPS at smtp time (PBL)

I use zen, but I also have a FQDN check that rejects a lot (and also greylists):

/\.?(dhcp|dialup|dynamic|ppp|pool)\.?/ REJECT Dynamic addresses must use a real mailserver /\.(dsl|\d+dls|dsl\d+)\./ REJECT Dynamic DSL looking address
/^[^\.]*[0-9][^0-9\.]+[0-9]/                 check_greylist
/^[^\.]*[0-9]{5}/                            check_greylist
/^([^\.]+\.)?[0-9][^\.]*\.[^\.]+\..+\.[a-z]/ check_greylist
/^[^\.]*[0-9]\.[^\.]*[0-9]-[0-9]/            check_greylist
/^[^\.]*[0-9]\.[^\.]*[0-9]\.[^\.]+\..+\./    check_greylist

(DSL is separate for historical reasons on my server)

- firewalling hosts  with 100% spam,  forever.

I'm using fail2ban so blacklisting failed connections is transparent. Only banning for 15m right now as I continue to test.

The fact that Bob and John are married does nothing to diminish
        anyone else's marriage any more than a black woman marrying a
        white man, a Jew marrying a Catholic, or an ugly Lyle marrying
        a Pretty Woman

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