Cedric Knight a écrit :
> Jeremy Morton wrote:
>> Recently I've been receiving some new image spams, subtly different
>> from the one this rule is designed to mark:
>> http://markmail.org/message/zio642mxs5p42kxa
>> ... in that it actually does have a blank text MIME part.
>> Here's an example of one such spam:
>> http://rafb.net/p/ppyJAS34.html
> Actually, there only seems to be one MIME part in what you have pasted,
> so amending John's rule and the inbuilt one as follows should do it:
> header __CTYPE_MULTIPART_MXD Content-Type =~ /multipart\//i

> because I've also recall them coming in as multipart/related.  The
> inbuilt rule only looked for "image/jpeg", so:
> mimeheader __ANY_IMAGE_ATTACH    Content-Type =~ /image\/(?:gif|jpe?g|png)/
> I don't think image/jpg is a standard MIME type, so we could also create:
> mimeheader MIME_IMAGE_JPG       Content-Type =~ /image\/jpg/
> describe MIME_IMAGE_JPG         contains wrong MIME type image\/jpg
> score MIME_IMAGE_JPG            1.0

how about

header __CTYPE_MULTIPART Content-Type =~ m{multipart/\w}i
mimeheader __MIME_CTYPE_IMAGE Content-Type =~ m{image/\w}
mimeheader __MIME_CTYPE_TEXT  Content-Type =~ m{text/\w}


> Also, it's not really a JPEG but a PNG, and one with a consistent header
> over the last few weeks:
> full PILL_IMAGE_PNG_HEAD        
> describe PILL_IMAGE_PNG_HEAD     2nd line of base64 of autogenerated PNG
> score PILL_IMAGE_PNG_HEAD        1.5
> I have seen spam come as you say with a minimal body part, as in:
> rawbody PILL_IMAGE_HTML          /<body bgcolor="\#ffffff"
> text="\#000000">\s<img src="[a-z]+.(?:png|jpe?g|gif)">\s<\/body>/s
> describe PILL_IMAGE_HTML         Very simple HTML part as in image-only
> May 09
> score PILL_IMAGE_HTML            0.1
> I think image with not text in the body part at all is pretty rare, but
> I might do something like that if I was sending a picture to myself.
> Meta rules based on some combination of the above could probably catch
> it all at the moment.  Your sample hit DCC_CHECK and BAYES_80 for me,
> but not the iXhash rules.
> Hope these are of some use.
> CK

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