> Jari Fredriksson wrote:
>>> I see this message coming out of my SA alot these days
>>> since upgrading to
>>> 3.2.5:
>>> [23920] warn: netset: cannot include as it
>>> has already been included
>>> Where is this local net being 'included', and how can I
>>> suppress
>>> the duplicate inclusion message?
>>> Thanks,
>>> linda
>> It is in /etc/spamassassin/local.cf as "internal
>> networks" or "trusted networks" setting. 
>> Remove it and no message should be shown.
> ----
> Ah...
> In earlier SA version, I used to have
> 'internal_network 127.'
> on a line by itself.
> Is the "127" network now 'built-in' in the current SA?

Yes, it is. It is so apparently internal, that no wonder.

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