On Tue, 2009-06-02 at 13:40 -0700, Bob O'Brien wrote:
> Actually, Richard, yes - I have management approval for what details I choose 
> to share with any given online community.
Share? Oh Sorry Bob. I only had Barracuda down as digital thieves. Let
me see;

BSMTPD (Yours - I think not - )
BUILT IN SPAMHAUS RULE - you know the one: 
[PASS] RBL-> Builtin zen.spamhaus.org has no latency @ 45 msec
I can cut and paste specifics if you would like?

Perhaps I can run through the Load Balancer and Web Filter with you too?
where you have given anything back of use?

It would not be complete without a mention of your megabucks 'Patch me
as often as you can' Archiver. You know the one that had to run WINE
because you were unable to write an indexer. You take a
'hardened' (which means old mandrake Linux kernel with loads missing) OS
handling email attachments and run WINE on it? Are you serious????

Let's then move on to the Energize Updates;
EU = Lots of Clam & SA Rules sold to customers with a few of your own
flaky ones thrown in. These have included such howlers as blocking
anything with '.com' in the body.

As for Juvenile - your guy Justin 'Always drunk' O'Brien will always
eclipse me. Is he not on record as saying words to the effect of 'The
older 200's are rubbish - they only have one amavis process and 256meg
of RAM. Tell the customers to open them up and put more RAM in or buy a
bigger unit'. That's technical support and customer care at it's best.
I've got his email here somewhere Bob - any many more like it. If you
want me to do 'Juvenile' I'm happy to do that.

Barracuda is a shower of shit. Your products suck cock, your internal
processes for a 'security' company are totally laughable and your
developers are clueless. Favorite customer quote from the IM Firewall;

Developers: "It's a known issue"

Customer: "This is utter rubbish. It looks like something someone has
put together in their bedroom"

But to move away from my rant the facts are simple. You steal nearly
everything you put in those cheap hardware boxes. Anything you code
yourself is the weak link in the chain. RVERIFY a point in hand. Cut the
crap that you ever give anything back. It's all one way - it all take.

In short Bob, the only reason ANYONE from Barracuda would be on this
list is to STEAL STUFF. You want your hands cutting off - and that is me
being very restrained. Please carry on - I have jack all to loose Bob.
What is it SP says in his totally Juvenile way 'Bob O Brien is no longer
with us, Our choice not his'.

I'll CC Drako and Perone as you have their permission. Perone knows all
about spam :-) Please don't try and put yourself across as caring and
sharing. It's bullshit and anyone can smell it.

>   I am also learning to count Jann among my friends, and I'm sure he would 
> *appropriately* acknowledge your greeting.
> If your participation is at all typical of this community, that will be 
> useful time-saving information for us indeed.
> Thanks!
> -----Original Message-----
> > From: "rich...@buzzhost.co.uk" <rich...@buzzhost.co.uk>
> > Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 16:02:58 +0100
> > Message-ID: <1243954978.7028.73.ca...@rubikscube>
> > 
> > Does Drako know you are posting here Bob?
> > 
> > It's a bit naughty. He had everyone sign a form saying they would not
> > post to places like this? You really should know better.
> > 
> > 
> > We all know that Barraucda are behind emailreg. We know that emailreg is
> > 'cash for spamming'. We know that support have been told *NOT* to
> > disable emailreg on Barracuda units. It's a done deal. The 'narrative'
> > is to suggest that non customer pay to sign up at emailreg.org so cut
> > the crap.
> > 
> > As a side note, it's nice to see you here acknolwedging Spamassassin
> > after stealing it and selling it for so long in Barracuda products.
> > Your a bunch of digital thieves really, so on face value anything you
> > say can only be taken as bullshit - so why not crawl back under that
> > fucking rock you dragged your fat worthless ass out from?
> > 
> > Give my love to that sick gay bastard Gobble gobble.
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> ----------------------------------
> Check out the Barracuda Spam & Virus Firewall - offering the fastest
> virus & malware protection in the industry: www.barracudanetworks.com/spam

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