Michael Grant wrote:
On Fri, Jun 5, 2009 at 16:08, Micah Anderson <mi...@riseup.net> wrote:
Michael Grant <michael.gr...@gmail.com> writes:

I did not realize one could store the bayes scores in sql.

So I'd store the bayes scores on a third server and let both mxes use
the same database.
I did this, but my bayes in mysql and pointed two different spamd
machines at it, but I had severe problems that I could not resolve. I
posted to the list[0] about the problems.

The basic problem was that as soon as I fired up the second server it
immediately starts blocking on the bayes work. Average scantimes go from
1-2 seconds up to 35+ and the max children get eaten up by blocking on
the bayes work to the point where its pointless because too many
processes are blocked. Disabling the bayes_sql stuff on one of the
machines dropped the scantimes back to their expected average of 1-2
seconds (but of course none of the BAYES tests will fire and
autolearning fails).

I found that the bayes lookup occurred, then the connection was closed, then a second connection attempt was made to do bayes learning but it attempted to use the same socket.

Because the socket on the remote server hadn't closed yet, the process hung until closed, then preceded.

What I ended up doing was having two spamd machines use DBI.pm (which I found on the spamassassin wiki and that makes SA use persistent connections) and have auto-learning ON on those two machines.

The other two machines run with bayes enabled but with auto-learning OFF.

For me this solved all my problems.

Please note how ever that this occurred to me using 3.0.x and I've just been upgraded ever since with out checking to see if the re-connection issue has been solved since everything *just works* as it is currently configured.



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