
Here is the full header.

Received: from unknown (HELO ognh.user.ono.com) ( by 0
with SMTP; 16 Jun 2009 10:06:24 -0000
Message-ID: <643596679...@hirogin.co.jp>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Subject: Christian sex - What Are Goood Christian sex Pradctices?
Date: Tue, 16 Jun 2009 10:06:16 -0200 (WET)
From: "Igel" <gastero...@hirogin.co.jp>
To: u...@mydomain.com
X-Antivirus: avast! (VPS 090615-0, 15/06/2009), Outbound message
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Blfack Holes Agre 'Green,' X-Ray Study Says
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2009/6/17 Paweł Tęcza <pte...@uw.edu.pl>:
> Ibrahim Harrani pisze:
>> Do you have any solution about this kind of spams?
> Hello Ibrahim,
> Could you please show me the Content-* headers of image attachment?
> Did you send all headers of that spam in your previous post?
> I have some success with fighting that spam I called "BAD GOOD PENIS",
> but I can see that it evolves, so my rules should be improved too.
> My best regards,
> Pawel

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