Charles Gregory wrote:
On Thu, 25 Jun 2009, Arvid Picciani wrote:
I started blocking some backscattering hosts and would like to inform them how to fix the issue.

I still welcome suggestions for handling the few remaining cases where my procmail chokes on a mailbox limit. Probably more of a PM question than an SA question, but seeing how the cause for concern is backscatter from 'full mailbox' DSN's I'm figuring the answer is here, if anywhere....

- C
I didn't exactly understand which of the two possible questions you asked (yeah, not native speaker :/ ) so i'll try both:

1)  your MTA bounces, becouse your users mailboxes are full.
Defer (temporary reject) the message at smtp time, so the sending MTA retrys a few times and ultimatly gives up informing the REAL sender. (you could also reject permanently, if you want that) If you absolutely can't fix the MTA, at least check the SPF before bouncing. If the SPF doesn't match the sender, don't send a bounce. Same for dkim. Also don't bounce spam. Note that backscatter can actually get you blacklisted if you bounce to traps.

2) You're receiving backscatter and you get "mailbox full" DSNs
I find it impossible to parse DSNs. There is no standard and its supposed to be human readable. For now i block mail from postmaster/bounce-*/MAILERDAMEON/... from listed (known misconfigured) hosts. I had to firewall two very aggressive hosts though ("normal" hosts!)
This blogs legitime DSNs so it might not be the solution for everyone. is far from complete, so i'm working on a trap. Thanks to one of our domain beeing joe jobbed (and not receiving legitime DSN, since we dont use it anymore) i can get around 100 hosts per day listed. Unfortunatly i lack the infrastructure to make it usefull for the public, and has no report form.

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