On Fri, 26 Jun 2009, LuKreme wrote:
> See, it all comes down to what you think 'legitimate' is.
The recipient wants the e-mail. DUH.
That's not my definition at all....

The very reason for my posting. You need not repeat yourself.

..... it's not even the definition of any mailadmin I've ever met. We reject mail users *want* all the time. It's our job.

That got a genuine laugh.... Sounds like something out of the BOFH series.

Nope, sometimes people WANT email that is laden down with malware, viruses, executable files, web bugs, or other things that compromise the security of not just themselves, but of others.

ROFLMAO - Now you're twisting the definition of WANT?
Excuse me, my BS threshold just got exceeded. I'm outta here!


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