On Fri, 26 Jun 2009, LuKreme wrote:
On 26-Jun-2009, at 08:55, Charles Gregory wrote:
we should not create a false sense of confidence that we will 'never' see legitimate mail come from a PBL-listed IP
Yes, we will *never* see legitimate mail from a PBL-listed IP.
See, it all comes down to what you think 'legitimate' is.

The recipient wants the e-mail. DUH.

A common, simple definition, and in terms of warning people about the imperfections of *any* blocklist, it is the one that MATTERS. This does not mean you have a bad policy. Nor does it mean that the people breaking
their ISP's policy necessarily deserve to be given special treatment.
It means only that you are misleading people to make them think that they will never have *wanted* mail blocked by PBL. It has already happened. Will happen again. It is no different than some poor schmuck setting up their hosting and discovering they are in a spam-infested IP block. Doesn't mean their mail is 'not legitimate' because our policy agrees with spamhaus and blocks that whole range. Just means they are SOL. :)

Legitimate. If you're so hung up on the word, you can HAVE it.
I don't care. It's the *meaning* that matters. Not the *word*.
My appeal is to not confuse people who have a broader colloquial understanding of the word. If someone is setting up their own mail filter, they should know what to expect. And what they should expect is to occasionally see someone complain about not being able to *receive* their 'legitimate' (by all common uses of the word) *wanted* e-mail because of PBL or some other list.

You are, of course, welcome to argue with your users over the 'legitimacy' of the e-mail being sent to them. :)

- Charles

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