
SpamAssasin in local.cf set:

use_bayes 1
bayes_auto_learn 1
bayes_auto_expire 1
use_bayes_rules 1
bayes_path /var/db/bayes/bayes
bayes_file_mode 0666
bayes_min_ham_num 10
bayes_min_spam_num 20
bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam -10
bayes_auto_learn_threshold_spam 20
bayes_journal_max_size 102400
bayes_expiry_max_db_size 150000

IP of sender is in trusted_networks.

Header X-Spam-Report message:

X-Spam-Report: Content analysis details: (-98.7 points, 5.0 required,0.5 bayes 
  pts  rule name              description
  ---- ---------------------- --------------------------------------------------
  -100 ALL_TRUSTED            Passed through trusted hosts only via SMTP
   1.3 MISSING_SUBJECT        Missing Subject: header

In spamd.log - 
spamd: result: . -98 - ALL_TRUSTED,MISSING_SUBJECT scantime=0.5 

We see that with -98.7 points and option 
"bayes_auto_learn_threshold_nonspam -10", 
but "autolearn=no". Why?

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