
(You do know what "legacy" means, right?)

Sure - do you? If it's left in the core code because the URI never
listed CC in the past that makes it legacy to me. If we consider that
argument now that cc *is* listed by urbl then the legacy argument that
was used, is gone. It becomes an SA issue for effectively white listing
*from urbl lookups* a known rotten/black listed uri.

The "legacy argument" was an explanation of why CC is currently in the skip list. As, such, it still stands. It still explains why CC is currently skipped.

It was never an argument for why CC should be skipped. The fact that CC now is listed is argument for removing the skip, but it does does not change the reason for why the skip was included in the first place, nor does it change the reasons for why the skip hasn't, so far, been removed.

Seems like you think missing a score of 0.25 would be worth money to someone. I think that's pretty silly.

Depends. If you are sitting at 4.79 and the have a block score of 5.00
it makes a difference.

Do you mean to say that a large enough amount of mail from CC get from 4.76 to 4.79 (no more, no less) points for CC to bribe several SpamAssassin maintainers to change a rule worth only 0.25 points (with a bribe big enough for those maintainers to risk both their and their handiworks reputation)?

Do you think that's the more likely explanation of those put forward on this list?

Calling it whitelisting also seems silly.

Jonas I always thought you were grown up enough to be able to fill in
the blanks here. White listed from URI lookups. Please, don't be silly

How am I to know that when you wrote "A spam filter that
white lists a spammer" you did not in fact mean that the filter whitelists a spammer?

How I am to know that when you wrote "SpamAssassin effectively white listing spammers" you did not in fact imply that SpamAssassin is whitelisting spammers?

If you think I'm silly for believing that you mean what you write, then please keep considering me silly.

Jonas Eckerman
Fruktträdet & Förbundet Sveriges Dövblinda

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