Michelle Konzack wrote:
> Hello,
> while I get currently several 1000 shop/meds/pill/gen spams  a  day  and
> some are going throug my filters, I have to move them to  my  spamfolder
> manualy and feed them to "sa-learn --spam" but this does not work...
> ...because the Spamer From: is in the auto_whitelist.
> For me, this seems to be a bug, becuase sa-learn has to remove the From:
> from the auto_whitelist and then RESCAN this crap.

Is the AWL actually causing false negatives?

Please be aware the AWL is NOT whitelist, or a blacklist, and the scores
don't really quite work the way they look. The AWL is essentially an
averager, and as such, it's sometimes going to assign negative scores to
spam sometimes.

This does *NOT* necessarily mean the AWL has "whitelisted" the sender,
unless it pushes it below the required_score. It just means that this
spam scored higher than the last one. i.e.: if a spam scoring +20 gets a
-5 AWL, the AWL still believes the sender is a spammer with a +10
average. If that same sender had instead sent a message scoring 0, the
AWL would have given them a +5.

Please be sure to read:


Before you make too many judgments about what the AWL is doing. Looking
at the score it assigns alone does not tell you anything about what the
AWL is doing.

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