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On 07/04/09 13:56, quoth Steven W. Orr:
> I think I have a problem. Maybe not, but I'd like to hear what other people 
> think.
> I have a small home server running sendmail, spamassassin, spamass-milter and
> clamav-milter. The clamav helped a lot but there was a bunch of stuff getting
> through despite all that until I added scamp from
> https://sourceforge.net/projects/scamp/
> Now things are creeping up again and it's making me think that there's a
> coordination issue I'm missing. Again: anything that gets through is stuff
> that sa liked after having gotten through clamav (plus scamp).
> Given that there are two milters, (i.e., spamass-milter and clamav-milter) I
> had to pick which should be first. I chose clamav, so if clamav-milter rejects
> it then spamassassin never sees the message.
> BTW, all false negatives are sent on to sa-learn --spam and then on to 
> spamcop.
> Here's the question: Is it desirable for the stuff that gets rejected by
> clamav to be pumped through sa-learn? Is there a way to do it? The converse
> question is that if I were to switch the order of the milters, then all of the
> false negs that sa passes on to clavav that are picked up by clamav would also
> not be reported back to sa. What I really need is a better system for
> coordinating my sa bayes tables and whitelists. In fact, it seems like what
> would make sense is for clamav to be a test that is a plugin added to sa.
> Am I making any sense? Is this a good idea? Does it already exist? Are they
> coming to take me away?

No one answered me and I happened to run across this plugin for SA


It looks like what I thought I wanted already exists. Based on what I wrote
above, and that I like the result of running sa + clamav via the two milters,
does anyone have any caveats for me?

I did read the discussion against at


and I also read the pros presented by the plugin itself.

Once question I have: If I use the plugin and it fires, will it in fact
contribute to the bayes and AWL tables ending up as I described above? Or is
there a placement question of where the plugin should be invoked?

Thanks all. :-)

- --
Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like a banana. Stranger things have  .0.
happened but none stranger than this. Does your driver's license say Organ ..0
Donor?Black holes are where God divided by zero. Listen to me! We are all- 000
individuals! What if this weren't a hypothetical question?
steveo at syslang.net
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