On Mon, July 6, 2009 00:57, MySQL Student wrote:

> spamassassin 2>&1 -D --lint
>> search here for missing perl modules
> How effective are razor/pyzor and SPF/DKIM? I've always been a bit hesitant
> to use any of those.

well it helps, if used properly, how thay works is depending on your need and 

pyzor is digest
razor is digest
ixhash is digest

spf / dkim is dns based, just littele diff in that dkim checks signed key on 
dns and in recieved mail, point is that you can use
this as whitelist_auth whitelist_from_dkim whitelist_from_spf on u...@foo.tld 
you really trust to not send spam

>> and the spam mail have all_trusted ?, you trust a spammer in
>> trusted_networks
> trusted_networks isn't at all defined. It looks like it was previously
> defined with just,

localhost is always trusted now, silly no spammer exists in localhost sa wice :)

spam exists everywhere, it just depends on what is spam

> but it's now commented out. What should it be?

good question, i have very minimal set trusted network to all my wan ip not 
including, and all isp i know send me
forwared email is also added here, this prevent false spf hits

for dkim this does no change, either it verify or not

> You are referring to the spamassassin trusted_networks, not postfix, right?

yes, postfix have no trusted_networks, but this sa table can be shared, but i 
cant find a good reason to


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