Martin Gregorie wrote:
You need double underscores to make a rule invisible.

... oops - I had overlooked on the web page, that this is _2_ underscores
(and was pretty puzzled to discover that w/o assigning a separate score
to each single test they will be ignored ;) - Thanks a lot!

Just for clarification:

- I guess, your answer implies that the only way to write a rule where each
  of several tests must match is via such a "meta" rule? (i.e. there is no
  way to write a "regular" rule with multiple tests that must all match)

- there is nothing specific to "hidden tests" (i.e. tests whose name starts
  with 2 underscores) about the meta rule mechanism, so meta rules can 
  combine any other rules

- whereas "hidden" tests are only useful for meta rules (when I prepend "__" to
  the name  of some other rule, it is not only hidden, but also ends up with a
  score of 0, even if there is some other score explicitly assigned)

Is this correct?


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