Hi everyone,

I aggregate my work and personal email accounts within the same email
client. All accounts are IMAP-based.

My $work employs a Barracuda cluster, and of course my box runs SA.

>From time-to-time, I'll get a SPAM message come through the 'cuda's.

>From there, I move the message from one IMAP folder in my MUA into
another SPAM folder, which essentially is a transfer from a work storage
server onto my server.

Every few days, I run sa-learn against the collected SPAM messages.

My question is, given that the messages have already been processed by
the 'cuda's (with their header stamps in place), am I damaging, or at
risk of confusing the learning process of SA when I classify these
messages as SPAM?

Are there any negative consequences by doing this?


Attachment: smime.p7s
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature

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