On Thu, 09 Jul 2009 08:07:09 -0400
Frank DeChellis <fra...@iaw.on.ca> wrote:

> Hi,
> We used NetBSD 4, SA 3.2.5 and just installed dspam 3.8.0 .
> Our SMTP server is exim.
> We run SA on a different server.  Exim receives the mail and sends it
> out for checking.  I configured this all myself but I donĀ¹t consider
> myself 100% confident and well versed, so I write looking to see if
> there is an easy answer to my question.
> We call SA into action from exim by specifying spamd_address to the SA
> server and port number.
> Is there a simple way to integrate dspam into SA like we integrate
> Bayes and/or Razor?  Am I looking for too simple a solution?
> My hope is that dspam can be used a simple plugin to spamassassin.
> Right now, this is the easiest thing I have found:
> http://eric.lubow.org/projects/dspam-spamassassin-plugin/

That's the only plugin I'm aware of. I don't really see the point of a
plugin though, I just pass the mail though DSPAM and then use

header   DS_HAM         X-DSPAM-Result =~ /^(Innocent|Whitelisted)/
header   DS_SPAM        X-DSPAM-Result =~ /^Spam/

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