On Sun, 12 Jul 2009 05:54:35 -0700 (PDT)
MrGibbage <s...@pelorus.org> wrote:

> I have read the help pages for those two settings over and over, and
> I guess I'm just not smart enough.  I can't figure out what I should
> put for those two settings.  Can one of you give me a hand by looking
> at the headers from an email?  I can tell you that my SA installation
> is on "ps11651.dreamhostps.com" and the way I receive email is I my
> email is sent to my public email address, "s...@pelorus.org" and I
> have an auto-forwarder which sends the mail to my SA box via email, at
> skip-mor...@psoneonesixfiveone.dreamhostps.com (mangled here).  I
> never receive mail directly to
> skip-mor...@psoneonesixfiveone.dreamhostps.com.  If I did, it would
> have to be spam because they scraped the address from somewhere.
> pelorus.org and ps11651.dreamhostps.com are the same box.  All the
> appriver stuff below is done on the sending side of my company's
> exchange server.
> Anyway, maybe I got it, but these two settings seemed too important
> to get wrong, so I just want to be sure.
> #ps11651.dreamhostps.com and pelorus.org
> internal_networks
> trusted_networks #I think this is wrong

You don't need this address, the server adds the final received header,
so the address never appears in the headers.

Generally forwarders should go into your internal networks, unless they
rewrite the return-path or there is a possibility of mail submission,
in which case thing get a bit more complicated.

If you want to add other addresses to trusted remember that they must be
an unbroken chain.

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