Петров Николай pisze:
> Hi,all!
> I always some day try to resolve the problem spamc through unix 
> socket+maildrop, but unsuccessfully, please help resolve the problem!

Hello Nicolas! ;)

Did you try TCP/IP mode too? I have never used socket mode of spamc.
We only use TCP/IP mode and have no problems.

> When I have incoming message, nothing about 'spam' is maillog, only 
> '...spamc[2183]: invalid usage...'

I've looked at spamc/spam.c file and I can see the following piece of
code there:

read_args(int argc, char **argv,
          int *max_size, char **username,
          struct transport *ptrn)
#ifndef _WIN32
    const char *opts = "-BcrRd:e:fyp:t:s:u:xSHU:ElhV";
    const char *opts = "-BcrRd:fyp:t:s:u:xSHElhV";
    int opt;
    int ret = EX_OK;

    while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, opts)) != -1)
        switch (opt)
            // [...]
            case '?':
            case ':':
                libspamc_log(flags, LOG_ERR, "invalid usage");
                ret = EX_USAGE;
                /* FALLTHROUGH */
            // [...]

    return ret;

It seems that your maildrop runs spamc with strange arguments. Sorry,
but I don't know why.

My best regards,


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