On Mon, 10 Aug 2009, Kris Deugau wrote:

I'm having a bit of trouble being sure of what you're saying, but it sounds like:

"We don't use SMTP AUTH."
Correct (unless your a hosting customer) we use dedicated customer outbound boxes.

"We don't allow relay from outside our own netblocks."
Correct (unless as above)

Fine, that's been acceptable and normal many places for quite a long time...

but the changing face of email, and the growing number of people who want access to their email from their own email client mean a growing demand for

There has been no requests or any demand for it here what so ever at all.

I'm curious what arguments you have against providing SMTP submission services other than what appears to boil down to "Don't wanna! I'd have to, y'know, do *work*!".

For starters, I need to see a justification it is worth it, ie at least ONE or TWO customers asking for it in the first place, it is also a common thing so everyone in this country is used to it this way, we all do things the way it works for us best, I do it my way with number of customers well into 6 figures, nobody has problems with it, the largest ISP in this country with many millions of customers also seem to have no problems with it this way, the second largest ISP, with only a few 100K short of the largest, again has no problem running without it, as do any others that I know of. And... well, it seems to work well using it for some on this list, I'm not advocating nobody use it, I just think its amazing at the couple of other people (use that term loosly) on this list who attack me and see me aligned with satan for not using it.
thats their problem though, not mine.

(they dont know me to well, i've never changed a decision based on what any wet dreamer on a list or usenet has said to me yet, and i aint about
to start either)


-Beware of programmers who carry screwdrivers

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