On Tue, 01 Sep 2009, LuKreme wrote:

> Actually, you have that backwards. As a USER I use beta or alpha  
> software all the time. I have no problem with that, it's only my data I 
> am risking. As an admin, however, it's rather irresponsible. And as a 
> CUSTOMER if I saw my mail being marked up by an alpha release of  
> anything, I'd be shopping for another host.

LuKreme, many sysadmins vet source code before they put anything (even so
called "stable" releases) into production.  Other admins (it appears you are
in this latter camp) are either incapable of -- or uninterested in -- such a
task, and put their trust in the "stable" label, avoiding alphas, betas, and
all other greeks.  This is probably not the appropriate forum to debate which
approach is The Right One.  But it's just disingenuous (or perhaps
uninformed) to inflate the importance of stable vs. alpha vs. $foo without
referencing actual portions of the code that worry you. 

Sahil Tandon <sa...@tandon.net>

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