On lør 12 sep 2009 19:30:09 CEST, Henrik K wrote

PS. SPF is checked on internal, not trusted border. Even though
they are the same for most people..

some ?

and I don't think you can disable SPF checks
in any way except fully.

if spf test is done in mta stage with prepended header for spf pass, no problem to whitelist trusted forwards

this header can be used as a spf test header in spf plugin, remember to disable perl spf test

perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::SPF

cam freemail plugin use spf softfail and or spf fail domain as a freemail domain test ? (maybe even spf neotral)

bad idear ?

pypolicyd-spf is used here in my postfix after postfix do its rbl testing


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