ahattarki wrote:
> The spamassassin report comes back in English. Is this configurable to return
> results in languages other than english.
> Also can a single spamassassin handle returning results in different
> languages. One user gets the results back in English, while another gets the
> results back in Korean all on the same instance of SpamAssassin ??
> thanks,
> Anjali
SA reads the LANG enviornment variable when it runs, and if it matches
one of the extra language sets (see 30_text_*.cf in the ruleset), then
it will use that text set.

At present, there's no korean translation set, but it's not difficult to
write your own, look at some of the other files for examples.

As for switching  per-user on the fly, AFAIK sa isn't set up for that.
In part, this would require the SA instance to maintain strings for all
language sets in memory at the same time. Right know, if I remember
right, it only loads strings for the language it is set for at the time
the ruleset is parsed during load.

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