From: Dan Schaefer <>
   Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 10:17:43 -0400
   Jeff Mincy wrote:
   >    From: Dan Schaefer <>
   >    Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 09:18:44 -0400
   >    Jeff Mincy wrote:
   >    >    From: Dan Schaefer <>
   >    >    Date: Tue, 13 Oct 2009 08:54:29 -0400
   >    >    
   >    >    Jason Bertoch wrote:
   >    >    > Dan Schaefer wrote:
   >    >    >> I just enabled DCC yesterday and everything appears to be 
   >    >    >> (DCC is registered).  Just to make sure, can someone post an 
email to 
   >    >    >> pastebin that has a DCC hit? Thanks.
   >    >    >>
   >    >    > IIRC, a message with "test" in the subject and body will match, 
   >    >    > although your logs should tell you what rules are hitting anyway.
   >    >    
   >    >    Is DCC_CHECK the only DCC rule? Because I didn't find that in my 
   >    >    yesterday. "test" in the subject and "test" in the body only 
   >    >    TVD_SPACE_RATIO and BAYES_00 from my personal email address to my 
   >    >    address. Any other suggestions?
   >    >    
   >    > Use
   >    >    spamassassin --test-mode --debug dcc < somespammsg
   >    >
   >    > Should print out stuff like:
   >    >
   >    >    08:58:51.617 0.375 0.375 [28903] dbg: dcc: network tests on, 
registering DCC
   >    >    08:58:54.405 3.164 0.943 [28903] dbg: dcc: dccifd is available: 
   >    >    08:58:54.585 3.343 0.179 [28903] dbg: dcc: dccifd got response: 
X-DCC--Metrics: pinky 1356; bulk Body=3 Fuz1=4384 Fuz2=many
   >    >    08:58:54.585 3.343 0.000 [28903] dbg: dcc: listed: BODY=3/20 
FUZ1=4384/20 FUZ2=999999/20
   >    >
   >    >
   >    > -jeff
   >    >   
   >    I followed your instructions and received the following:
   >    [1486] dbg: dcc: network tests on, registering DCC
   >    [1486] dbg: dcc: dccifd is not available: no r/w dccifd socket found
   >    [1486] dbg: dcc: dccproc is not available: no dccproc executable found
   >    [1486] dbg: dcc: dccifd and dccproc are not available, disabling DCC
   >    After seeing that, I NAT-ed 1023 local to 6277 remote and 6277 remote 
   >    1023 to my mail server in my firewall. I ran the test again and 
   >    the same message.
   > Your firewall is not the problem shown here.  SpamAssassin can't find
   > the dcc socket and executable.  Do you have DCC installed?  If so,
   > where is the dccproc executable?  Did you start dccifd?  Where is the
   > dccifd socket?  SpamAssassin needs to know where they are.  You can
   > use various configuration options to tell SpamAssassin where to look,
   > for example:
   >   ## DCC options (Admin only)
   >   dcc_home /var/lib/dcc
   >   dcc_dccifd_path /var/lib/dcc/dccifd
   >   dcc_path /usr/bin/dccproc
   > -jeff
   I did just install DCC, but I don't know if it is installed correctly. 
   And of course, DCC's website is down 
   ( I used the instructions here 
   Now when I run:
   spamassassin -t -D dcc < spam_message
   I get:
   [2955] dbg: dcc: network tests on, registering DCC
   [2955] dbg: dcc: dccifd is not available: no r/w dccifd socket found
   [2955] dbg: dcc: dccproc is available: /usr/bin/dccproc
   [2955] dbg: dcc: opening pipe: /usr/bin/dccproc -H -x 0 -a < 
   [2955] dbg: dcc: got response: X-DCC-SIHOPE-DCC-3-Metrics: 1085; Body=2 Fuz1=2 Fuz2=many
   2.2 DCC_CHECK              Listed in DCC 
   in the report
   Even though the dccfid socket cannot be found, does this appear to be 
   working correctly?

Yes dccproc is working.  You got a hit on DCC_CHECK.  

You should use dccifd if possible.  It is faster.


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