I have not yet analysed what whitehats cause this, but this rule seems
suspipicious to me at moment.

At the bright side: HOSTKARMA is a pleasant thing to have, now that my
config is fixed with the community aid.

Email: 1280  Autolearn: 765  AvgScore:  13.53  AvgScanTime: 11.23 sec
Spam:   632  Autolearn: 540  AvgScore:  34.39  AvgScanTime:  9.21 sec
Ham:    648  Autolearn: 225  AvgScore:  -6.82  AvgScanTime: 13.19 sec

Time Spent Running SA:         3.99 hours
Time Spent Processing Spam:    1.62 hours
Time Spent Processing Ham:     2.37 hours

RANK    RULE NAME                       COUNT  %OFMAIL %OFSPAM  %OFHAM
   1    BAYES_99                          614    47.97   97.15    0.00
   2    DCC_CHECK                         601    60.86   95.09   27.47
   3    RAZOR2_CHECK                      576    45.00   91.14    0.00
   4    RCVD_IN_BRBL_LASTEXT              575    45.08   90.98    0.31
   5    RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_51_100            573    44.77   90.66    0.00
   6    HTML_MESSAGE                      570    50.39   90.19   11.57
   7    BOTNET                            566    44.22   89.56    0.00
   8    DIGEST_MULTIPLE                   559    43.67   88.45    0.00
   9    URIBL_BLACK                       551    43.05   87.18    0.00
  10    RAZOR2_CF_RANGE_E8_51_100         541    42.27   85.60    0.00
  11    RCVD_IN_HOSTKARMA_BL              539    42.11   85.28    0.00
  12    URIBL_SBL                         509    39.77   80.54    0.00
  13    URIBL_JP_SURBL                    502    39.22   79.43    0.00
  14    RCVD_IN_XBL                       491    38.36   77.69    0.00
  15    URIBL_WS_SURBL                    426    33.28   67.41    0.00
  16    RCVD_IN_BL_SPAMCOP_NET            425    33.20   67.25    0.00
  17    RCVD_IN_SEMBLACK                  418    32.66   66.14    0.00
  18    RCVD_IN_PSBL                      408    31.87   64.56    0.00
  19    KHOP_DNSBL_ADJ                    405    31.64   64.08    0.00
  20    URIBL_AB_SURBL                    374    29.22   59.18    0.00

RANK    RULE NAME                       COUNT  %OFMAIL %OFSPAM  %OFHAM
   1    BAYES_00                          543    42.50    0.16   83.80
   2    RCVD_IN_HOSTKARMA_W               511    40.00    0.16   78.86
   3    AWL                               498    44.06   10.44   76.85
   4    KHOP_RCVD_UNTRUST                 420    32.89    0.16   64.81
   5    KHOP_HELO_FCRDNS                  312    32.97   17.41   48.15
   6    KHOP_NO_FULL_NAME                 195    19.30    8.23   30.09
   7    RCVD_IN_HOSTKARMA_WL              182    14.30    0.16   28.09
   8    DCC_CHECK                         178    60.86   95.09   27.47
   9    RCVD_IN_DNSWL_LOW                 171    13.44    0.16   26.39
  10    RCVD_IN_DNSWL_MED                 170    13.28    0.00   26.23
  11    SPF_HELO_PASS                     160    12.50    0.00   24.69
  12    RCVD_IN_DNSWL_HI                  159    12.42    0.00   24.54
  13    DKIM_SIGNED                       114     8.98    0.16   17.59
  14    RCVD_IN_BSP_OTHER                  78     6.09    0.00   12.04
  15    HTML_MESSAGE                       75    50.39   90.19   11.57
  16    KHOP_RCVD_TRUST                    49     3.83    0.00    7.56
  17    DKIM_VERIFIED                      42     3.28    0.00    6.48
  18    KHOP_2IPS_RCVD                     32     3.44    1.90    4.94
  19    MIME_QP_LONG_LINE                  27     2.89    1.58    4.17
  20    KHOP_PGP_SIGNED                    22     1.72    0.00    3.40


Ships are safe in harbor, but they were never meant to stay there.

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