On Tue, 2009-10-27 at 05:08 -0600, LuKreme wrote:
> On 27-Oct-2009, at 04:53, Mike Cardwell wrote:
> > Why have any geocities specific rules any more if geocities doesn't  
> > exist? It's not as if spammers can host their websites on geocities  
> > anymore so there's no reason why a spammer would include a geocities  
> > url in their spam. May as well just delete the rules...
> If the links are still appearing in SPAM then no, don't delete the  
> rules, just bump up the scores.

Would this not be almost entirely pointless? With spam the motto is
'follow the money'. if the link does not work, there is no path to the
money to follow. Other than prospecting for valid recipients {which
could be done just as easily without the link} there is no benefit for a
spammer to include a link of this nature.

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