On Friday, November 27, 2009, 11:08:23 AM, Allen Chen wrote:

AC> Thanks for all the replies. yes, RBL, I mean DNSBL. Also I heard
AC> that configuring DNSBL in sendmail is better than in
AC> spammassassin. because this can release some loads on
AC> spamassassin. Am I right?

For some DNSBLs, yes.  For others, you want to allow SpamAssassin to
score them.

As long as you are bypassing DNSBL checks for authenticated clients,
you can safely block everything at SMTP session level with ZEN.  In
turn, I disable the Spamhaus ZEN checks in SA, as there's no point
in querying ZEN twice when everything that shows up there is bloked
before it gets to SA.

AC> Next, I'm going to upgrade spamassassin to 3.2.5 and try to
AC> configure sendmail to check DNSBL. I will try bl.spamcop.net
AC> first in sendmail. Your inputs are welcome. I'm looking for some
AC> free DNSBLs. We are non-profit organization and don't have too
AC> much email traffic.

Your organization should be free to use the Spamhaus DNSBLs at no
charge. I personally do not block on bl.spamcop.net, but it does add
a score of 2.0 in SA.

Best regards,
 Robert Braver

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