Assuming "they" below refers to Habeas. Please ignore this mail if it refers to Return Path.

Ted Mittelstaedt wrote:

They have had the option to do this already for years, now, and have elected to use implied threats to the world's ISP's, rather than regularly participating on this list.

To my knowledge Return Path hasn't owned Habeas for "years" yet (I think they bought it a little more than a year ago or so).

If your view of Return Path is the same as your view of Habeas your statement makes sense, but otherwise I think you ought to let your view of Return Path color your opinions of Habeas.

This might still be a good time (though a little late) to get Habeas' current owners to make the necessary changes to the Habeas part of their company for the Habeas brand to get a a somewhat better reputation among anti-spam folk. After all, the reputation of Habeas can now tarnish the reputation of their main brand as well.

Jonas Eckerman
Fruktträdet & Förbundet Sveriges Dövblinda

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