We have an institute-wide spamassassin+amavisd arrangement running on our mx's, which generally behaves very well. Spam is quarantined in a system wide folder, and then a daily crontab sends a "spam report" to each user (so that they can reclaim false positives, which occurs about once per month).

We have this in the spamassassin systemwide local.cf

whitelist_from                  x...@lambrate.inaf.it
whitelist_from                  x...@iasf-milano.inaf.it
whitelist_from_rcvd             *...@lambrate.inaf.it      lambrate.inaf.it
whitelist_from_rcvd             *...@iasf-milano.inaf.it   lambrate.inaf.it

which we interpreted as :

 - everything coming "apparently" (From kwd) xyzt (not the real username,
   anyhow it's our system manager personal account) should pass unfiltered

 - everything coming THROUGH (Received kwd) one of our local machines,
   from an user in either one of our two domains, should pass unfiltered

Now reading "perldoc Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf", I find

 whitelist_from_rcvd a...@lists.sourceforge.net sourceforge.net
           Use this to supplement the whitelist_from addresses with a
           check against the Received headers.

... the word "supplement" leaves me perplexed. Does this mean the two conditions above are ANDed instead of ORed ?

If so, messages coming e.g. from r...@ourserver.lambrate.inaf.it should not be subject to the whitelist_from_rcvd (which is not what we want).

In fact we noticed (for the first time, and after a long weekend holiday during which there was a burst of spam, which was quenched in a couple of days) that a few of our daily spam reports (originated by the crontab and sent as r...@ourserver.lambrate.inaf.it) were quarantined (and also the relevant mailer-daemon replies), with a score marginally above threshold.

We did also a check_whitelist /etc/mail/spamassassin/awlst/awl looking for address r...@ourserver.lambrate.inaf.it and ip=155.253 (so truly from our LAN), and found a score of -1.0 (which should mean it is correctly whitelisted).

Nevertheless the reports were quarantined. So the suspects are :

  - whitelist_from_rcvd does NOT unconditionally whitelist messages
    irrespective of other scores

  - whitelist_from_rcvd is de facto NOT ENABLED for root (because of
    the AND/OR confusion quoted above)

Any clue ? Thanks

Lucio Chiappetti - INAF/IASF - via Bassini 15 - I-20133 Milano (Italy)
For more info : http://www.iasf-milano.inaf.it/~lucio/personal.html
Multi pertransibunt et augebitur scientia
             Francis Bacon Instauratio Magna (http://tinyurl.com/2j3qk5)

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