On Wednesday 09 December 2009 20:32:10 Rosenbaum, Larry M. wrote:
> > From: Mark Martinec [mailto:mark.martinec...@ijs.si]
> > > Thanks for testing! Which version of a perl module Time::HiRes
> > > do you have installed? See what is reported by:
> > >   $ perl -MTime::HiRes -le 'print Time::HiRes->VERSION'
> 1.9719

Thanks. Would you be so kind to open a bug report in bugzilla,
so we can move this topic off the list.

> BTW, has the clamav interface changed?  I'm getting errors from this
>  statement:
> $permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{headers_spam}->{"Virus"} = $header;
> Dec  9 13:46:03.893 [27455] warn:  (Not a HASH reference at
>  /etc/mail/spamassassin/ornl_clamav.pm line 36. Dec  9 13:46:03.893 [27455]
>  warn: )
> If I'm analyzing correctly, $permsgstatus->{main}->{conf}->{headers_spam}
>  used to be a hash ref, and now it's an array ref.

Indeed it has changed (Bug 6185), the plugin needs to be adapted.
Please open a trouble ticket for this one as well, so that it
will remain documented.


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